About Us
Allow me to arrange an unforgettable African adventure!
I grew up in Sweden but reside in South Africa for the past 20 years.I offer tailor made packages to suit each and every individuals personal preferences. It starts with me meeting up at the airport on arrival and ends with me bidding you farewell upon your return flight – book with me, hunt with me!
I can offer and arrange hunting of all huntable animals, in several African countries, from the smallest to the biggest animals you can imagine.
I also offer fishing, both Tigerfish fishing and deep sea fishing, photo safaris and excursions. You can with another word do a combination to suit your wishes.
Regardless of what you desire I promise I can offer a very personal and unforgettable experience.
Hunters greetings – Axel
My name is (Freddie) Axel Engman and I am born in Sweden and grew up in a small village named Ljungsarp.
I came to South Africa the first time in -98 and was back annually until moving here permanently in 2004.
I live, together with my wife Karin, in a town named Ermelo located roughly 250km east of Johannesburg.
We live in an area describes as highveldt and we are located at an altitude of 1700 meters.
Our daughter Emma lives since early 2024 in Sweden where she currently studies in a city called Lund.
I grew up being very involved with shooting and have hunted since I was a kid, I became a PH in 2007 and have since 2009 arranged hunts as an outfitter.
If you are looking for enthusiasm, knowledge, high ethical standards and someone always willing to go the extra mile to arrange an unforgettable experience – get in touch.
Hunting Areas
I offer hunting in several African countries – mostly in conjunction with species we do not have, or are not allowed to hunt, in South Africa and normally on special request.
Most of the hunting take place in South Africa and below is a summary of the areas I most frequently hunt – even though I hunt all over the county in persuit of specific species and constantly look for new areas.
Mpumalanga: The province where I reside and hunt a few different areas, the area around Ermelo is mostly for small predators (especially Serval cat) also good for Klipspringer, Oribi and Black Wildebeest.
Bendor ; 3000ha (7.500 acres) very undulating terrain with a big variation of the common species – excellent area for first timers due to the possibility of hunting several different terrains from high veldt grassterrain to riverine bushveldt.
KwaZulu Natal: Pretty exclusive bushveldt with all the common species. The area also have Elephant, Rhino (both Black and White), Buffalo, Hippo and Croc. The whole conservancy is roughly 30.000ha (74.000 acres) of which the Pongola dam makes up 17.000ha (42.000 acres) and is also one of the best Tigerfish waters in the country.
Northern Cape: I primarily hunt two different areas – Panorama 7.000ha (17.000 acres) buffalo and all the common species.
I also hunt Ratelfontein 17.000ha (42.000 acres) that offer a few different species over and above the common game. Worthwhile mentioning are Scimitar Horned Oryx, Bontebok, Arabian Oryx, Indian Blackbuck, Tsesseby and it is also home to the only Bisons on the continent.
North-west province: I hunt an area on the border to Botswana, traditionally mostly for lions, but they do have all common bushveldt species including buffalo.The area is 17.000ha (42.000 acres) and fairly flat with sandy terrain. Arid and warm area.
Many of the species occur in most of the areas while others are more geographically limited – I am more than happy to give advise for specific request or general inquiries
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